Monday, April 20, 2009
It has been almost two years since I last posted here. Actually my wife did the posting. Some things have been rough over the past two years and some have been incredibly great. The great part is my marriage and my son. My wife Anne and I are doing great together and we have a baby boy now. He's nine months old already. Wow! It is extremely rewarding and we have a very happy baby boy. He's not so happy at the moment though because he's had a 102 - 104 degree fever for the past four days. Speaking of illness, that's where the rough parts come in for me. I've been inflicted with MRSA for the past two years. I've been getting extremely painful boils all over my body. Luckily antibiotics would remove them - make them go away, but a month later they'd be back again. I've had to have 2 of them lanced - where the doctor uses a scalpel to open and drain a boil and I've had these ugly painful boils everywhere: my scalp, my eybrows, inside my ear, inside my nose, my back and my chest. The one on my eyebrow my my left eye swell entirely shut and I had one on my cheek that made me look like the Elephant Man or something because the whole left side of my head and face was hugely swollen with my glands swelling and hardening painfully. It's been tough to sleep because at any given time I'd have a boil or two on my scalp, face, neck and back and it's too painful to lay on any of them so finding a comfortable sleeping position was miserable. Now I'm happy to say that all that seems to be coming to an end. I've found an answer that started helping me get rid of the MRSA within 2-3 days after starting. It is an alkalizing water. I learned that the MRSA needs an acidic environment to survive so if I alkalize my body and strip out the acidity then the MRSA cannot live. Two or three days after I started drinking this water my symptoms eased up and I'm comfortable again. I can sleep at night now. The MRSA isn't totally gone yet, but I've only been doing this two weeks so far and it is recommended to use for 90 days. I'm confident that this water will help me to a full recovery. If anyone is interested they can get this great water here:
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